daily COVID sitrep where you are

Started by Ever (Zombiepreparation), June 07, 2021, 04:37:50 PM

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I agree with the Major here.  At this stage of the pandemic, the vast majority of people you'll encounter on public transportation will have either been vaccinated or developed natural immunity due to having had COVID.  Anyone at greater than normal risk who has not been vaccinated knows the risk they take being out in public and takes appropriate measures to mitigate the risk of getting infected.

Besides, I want you feeling fit as a fiddle when I get to your AO on my road trip so I can take you out to get something to eat and meet up with FBN and anyone else who wants to join us.  Heck, I've even bought enough tinfoil hats (official UFoZS.com uniform grade) for all of us to wear in the group photo.  :smiley_knipoog:
Nonsolis Radios Sediouis Fulmina Mitto. - USN Gunner's Mate motto

Current Weather in My AO
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@Ever (Zombiepreparation)
Get one of those car rentals where they have drop off service.

Enterprise used to have that, that service might have gone away due to covid and not been reactivated yet though. catch 22.
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Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Excellent advice! :smiley_chitchat:

Wonderful support.  :smilie_party_cheers: 

Uomo Senza Nome

Should come as a surprise to no one who has followed this since the beginning. Your apology is in the mail.

We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied (nypost.com)
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."

Mr. E. Monkey

Well, my daughter tested positive last night.  Wife is feeling like she may have gotten it from her now, too.

What a way to start the school year.  So far, I don't think I've gotten it this time around, but we'll see.  At least this strain seems to be fairly mild.
Quote from: SMoAF'Tis better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.
Quote from: BeowolfDisasters are terrifying, but people are stupid.
Quote from: wee drop o' bushTHE EVIL MONKEY HAS WON THE INTERNETS!  :lol:

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