
Started by Invictus, December 13, 2022, 02:22:43 PM

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As I wrote in a previous post I originally set up an account under the name Invictus, screwed up the name and asked the admin to change it.  After his change I could not log in to the account, nor would it send me a password reset, so I set up this one.  I am not trying to set up multiple accounts. 

I recently discovered this board and really appreciate the efforts in creating it.  I like the feel and the vibe of this community.   It's fun and informative place with great discussions and sharing of information. 

I was a member of ZS since the early 2000s.  I may have had 200 posts or so there.  At times I was active, but then I might go many months without visiting it.  I understand that it was privately owned and that the owners could do what they want, but closing that board with the tens of thousands of threads was like burning down a library.

Thanks and glad to be here.


Congrats on making the jump!  Hopefully you've got your username/account issues figured out now too.
Information - it's all a battle for information. You have to know what's happening if you're going to do anything about it. - Tom Clancy, Patriot Games


Welcome to the new board, Invictis. :smiley_knipoog:  

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Always great to have a legacy ZS member like you make the jump, Invictus.  Looking forward to your contributions to the new forum.
A post-apocalyptic tale of love, loss and redemption. And zombies!
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