Hello again

Started by rlail, November 05, 2021, 07:08:09 AM

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Wow!  So glad I found out we'd moved over, was cruising the old forum, moping, looking at some epic older threads, and lo and behold, imagine my surprise when I saw in someone's signature that there was a new forum!  Made my day yesterday
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value


Glad to see that you found your way over.  Welcome aboard!
Information - it's all a battle for information. You have to know what's happening if you're going to do anything about it. - Tom Clancy, Patriot Games


Welcome to the Forum! We are glad to have you back.
Folks you are on your own...Plan and act accordingly!

I will never claim to have all the answers. Depending upon the subject; I am also aware that I may not have all the questions much less the answers. As a result I am always willing to listen to others and work with them to arrive at the right answers to the applicable questions.


Great to have you here!

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