Please allow me to introduce myself

Started by wolf_from_wv, June 13, 2021, 11:10:57 PM

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I'm a man without a lot of money or fashion sense for that matter.

I guess disaster prep has always been an interest since I was around 15.  Guess that's not quite 30 years...

I do like to study and learn new things..........
"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer


Welcome to the new grounds! Glad you made your way over!
The original Half gettin sum land thread

Quote from: SpazzyTell ya what... If Zombies attack and the world ends I'll hook tandem toddlers to a plow if it means I'll be able to eat...


Welcome! And money is not a big deal if we are persistent over time. That is how I've lived my last 20 years.

I'm glad to see you here!


Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc-  Not just pretty words.


I try to learn something new whenever I can...

AC Delco Online Quizzes (very basic)
•   Battery
•   Brakes
•   Electric
•   Shocks
•   Engine
•   Ignition
•   Emissions
•   HVAC

American Gunsmithing Institute
•   Certified AR-15 Law Enforcement Armorer
•   Certified Glock Law Enforcement Armorer

   Apollo PEX Trained Installer

Citizen Corps (FEMA)
•   IS-317  Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) 

Center for Development of Security Excellence
•   Insider Threat Awareness
•   OPSEC Awareness for Military Members, DoD Employees and Contractors

Center for Domestic Preparedness
•   AWR-160 WMD Standardized Awareness Training Program
Center for Domestic Preparedness & Office for Bombing Prevention
•   AWR-341 IED Awareness and Security Procedures
•   AWR-349 HME and Precursor Awareness for Public Safety
•   AWR-358 dL Hazardous Materials Awareness Distance Learning
•   AWR-903 Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response
•   AWR-914-W Personal Protective Equipment Considerations for Infectious Agents
•   AWR-915-W Response Considerations During an Outbreak or Pandemic
•   AWR-921 Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Employee Training

Center for Public Health Preparedness (University of Albany School of Public Health)
•   County Animal Response Team
•   Emergency Animal Sheltering
•   Personal Preparedness
•   Zoonosis, Preparedness, and Public Health

•   End User:  Social Engineering micro certification

Department of Homeland Security
•   You are the help until help arrives

Fairmont State University
•   Bloodborne Pathogens Training
•   Exceptional Customer Service
•   Fire Egress

•   IS-00003  Radiological Emergency Management
•   IS-00005a  An Introduction to Hazardous Materials
•   IS-00007  A Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assistance
•   IS-00010  Animals in Disaster, Awareness and Preparedness
•   IS-00011  Animals in Disaster, Community Planning
•   IS-00015a  Special Events Contingency Planning for Public Safety Agencies
•   IS-00020.12 Diversity Awareness
•   IS-00022 Are You Ready?  An in-depth guide to citizen preparedness
•   IS-00026 Guide to Points Of Distribution
•   IS-00035.10  FEMA Safety Orientation 2010
•   IS-00055  Household Hazardous Materials A guide for citizens
•   IS-00100a  Introduction to the Incident Command System
•   IS-00100HE Introduction to Incident Command System for Higher Education
•   IS-00106 Workplace Violence Awareness Training
•   IS-00111  Livestock in Disaster
•   IS-00139  Exercise Design
•   IS-00200a  ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
•   IS-00230.a  Fundamentals of Emergency Management
•   IS-00235 Emergency Planning
•   IS-00240 Leadership and Influence
•   IS-00241  Decision Making & Problem Solving
•   IS-00242 Effective Communication
•   IS-00244  Developing and Managing Volunteers
•   IS-00271  Anticipating hazardous weather & community risk
•   IS-00288 Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management
•   IS-00360 Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents:  Guide for Schools, Higher Education, and Houses of Worship
•   IS-00362 Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
•   IS-00394a  Protecting Your Home or Small Business from Disaster
•   IS-00546a  Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
•   IS-00700a  National Incident Management System (NIMS)  An Introduction
•   IS-00703a  NIMS Resource Management
•   IS-00800b  National Response Framework, An Introduction
•   IS-00801 Emergency Support Function #1 Transportation
•   IS-00804 Emergency Support Function #4 Firefighting
•   IS-00809 Emergency Support Function #9 Search and Rescue
•   IS-00906  Basic Workplace Security Awareness
•   IS-00907 Active Shooter: What you can do
•   IS-00909 Community Preparedness:  Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone
•   IS-00912  Retail Security Awareness: Understanding the risks
•   Professional Development Series

Fire Extinguisher Education and Awareness Program Online
•   Completed 1/28/10

•   Professional Locksmithing
•   Advanced Locksmithing
•   Back Safety
•   OSHA Hazard Communication
•   Personal Protection Equipment

Maryland Police Training Commission
•   Online Firearms Safety Training Course. 

Mid-Ohio Valley Regional CERT
•   Skywarn

NAPA (basic)
•   NAPA Automotive Heating/Cooling System Training Program

National Association for Search & Rescue (expired)
•   Introduction to Search and Rescue/SARTECH 3

National Disaster Life Support Foundation
•   SALT Mass Casualty Triage Training
•   CH-101 PC Basics.  Passed.

New York Consortium for Emergency Preparedness Continuing Education
•   Working in a Point Of Distribution

Niche Academy
•   How technology can improve your disaster plan
•   Library security solutions
•   Serving individuals with autism

•   Basic Pistol Course
•   Pet First Aid Online

Pierpont Community & Technical College
•   Become a Veterinary Assistant 1
•   Become a Veterinary Assistant 2:  Canine Reproduction
•   Become a Veterinary Assistant 3:  Practical Skills
•   Project Management Essentials

Safe Colleges
•   Active Shooter (Full course (Staff))
•   Active Shooter:  Run, Hide, Fight (Full Course)
•   AED (Automated External Defibrillators) (Full)
•   Back Injury and Lifting (Full Course)
•   Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention (Full)
•   Browser Security Basics (Full Course)
•   Clery Act Overview (Full Course)
•   Common Illness Prevention (Full Course)
•   Copyright Infringement (Full Course)
•   Coronavirus Awareness (Full Course)
•   Coronavirus:  CDC guidelines for making & using cloth face coverings
•   Coronavirus:  cleaning and disinfecting your workplace Full Course
•   Coronavirus:  managing stress and anxiety
•   Coronavirus:  Preparing your household
•   Coronavirus: Reopening your organization (Full Course)
•   Coronavirus:  The basics of vaccines (Full Course)
•   Crisis response and recovery full course
•   Dating violence:  identification and prevention
•   Discrimination Awareness in the Workplace (Full course)
•   Drug Free Workplace (Full Course)
•   Electrical Safety (Full)
•   Email and Messaging Safety (Full Course)
•   Eye and Face Protection (Full Course)
•   Facility Emergencies (Full Course)
•   FERPA:  Confidentiality of Records:  Full Course
•   Fire Extinguisher Safety (Full Course)
•   General Ethics in the Workplace (Full Course)
•   Hand and Power Tool Safety Overview (Full Course)
•   Hazing (Full Course)
•   Health Emergencies:  Asthma Awareness
•   Health Emergencies:  Diabetes Awareness
•   Health Emergencies:  Hemophilia
•   Health Emergencies:  Life-Threatening Allergies
•   Health Emergencies:  MRSA Awareness
•   Health Emergencies:  Seizures
•   Opioid overdose response awareness (Full Course)
•   Pandemic Flu
•   Safety basics for security staff
•   Self-Injury and Cutting (Full Course)
•   Severe Bleeding Response:  Wound packing and tourniquet use (Full Course)
•   Student Mental Health
•   Terrorism Awareness and Response (Full Course (Staff))
•   Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
•   Title IX:  Roles of Employees (Full Course)
•   Visual Weapons Screening (Full)
•   Welding, cutting, and brazing safety awareness (Full Course)
•   Workplace Violence (Full Course (Employee))
•   Youth Suicide: Awareness and Prevention (Full)
•   Van Safety

Skywarn – National Weather Service
•   Basic Spotter

Texas Baptist Camp Managers Association
•   Child Protection Training

Texas Engineering Extension Service
•   AWR-174-W Cyber Ethics
•   AWR-175-W Information Security for Everyone
•   LET222 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
•   URURO14A – Wilderness Awareness
•   WMD PER-301 Children and Nerve Agents
•   WMD PER-302 Canine Emergency Medical Care
•   WMD PER-303 Emergency Management Concerns for the 1st Responder in Terrorism and disasters
•   WMD PER-304 Medical Effects of Primary Blast Injuries
•   WMD PER-305 Bacillus Anthracis
•   WMD PER-306 Botulism
•   WMD PER-307 Avian Flu

•   Tech Explorations Make an Arduino remote controlled car

•   Basic Research Skills
•   Business Consulting 101
•   Cryptozoology 101
•   Dog Psychology 101
•   Effective Communication 101
•   Electronics 101
•   History of Terrorism 101
•   Intro to PC Troubleshooting and Repair
•   Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business 101
•   Small Business Guide
•   Virus Removal and Protection 101

USA Freedom Corps
•   Community Emergency Response Team

"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer


Missing the HAM radio, diver, and paramotor certs I see, not quite done yet.  Welcome. :greenguy:
Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.


Another familiar username - hello again sir.
Few die from pushing on, more die from giving up


Quote from: wolf_from_wv on June 13, 2021, 11:10:57 PM
I'm a man without a lot of money or fashion sense for that matter.

I guess disaster prep has always been an interest since I was around 15.  Guess that's not quite 30 years...

I do like to study and learn new things..........

So...not a man of wealth and taste?  My brain's stuck now.  :smiley_chinrub:  All your fault.


Quote from: CG on June 17, 2021, 01:42:55 PM
So...not a man of wealth and taste?  My brain's stuck now.  :smiley_chinrub:  All your fault.

Not even close...

I have discovered over the years that I like helping people.  I also like returning home when the day is done.  I decided to try to stack the deck in my favor, whether with equipment or knowledge.

I guess I've always been studying survival or related things since I was around 15 or so.  It seems like a long time when I add say that's been 28 years ago. 
"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer

Tony D Tiger

Quote from: CG on June 17, 2021, 01:42:55 PM
Quote from: wolf_from_wv on June 13, 2021, 11:10:57 PM
I'm a man without a lot of money or fashion sense for that matter.

I guess disaster prep has always been an interest since I was around 15.  Guess that's not quite 30 years...

I do like to study and learn new things..........

So...not a man of wealth and taste?  My brain's stuck now.  :smiley_chinrub:  All your fault.
:awesome: pleased to meet you


I'm still alive.  I'm finishing being quarantined with covid.  One of the worst ways I can think of to lose 15 pounds.  It's hard to eat when everything tastes like old toothpaste. I guess I didn't have a bad case, the headache and fever were the worst.
"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer


Dang, I hope your sense of taste comes back soon!


Quote from: Optimist on October 15, 2021, 03:09:38 PM
Dang, I hope your sense of taste comes back soon!
If he had any taste do you think he'd be here?  :rolleyes1: :clownshoes:

Glad he is though.  :D
Nonsolis Radios Sediouis Fulmina Mitto. - USN Gunner's Mate motto

Current Weather in My AO
Current Tracking Info for My Jeep


Covid after report

The fever was pretty bad.  I sat in front of a fan, but that isn't unusual when I am well.

The headache was bad.

The congestion wasn't overly bad, I've dealt with congestion from October to around May for as long as I can remember.

The fatigue was bad.  At the end of the quarantine, I thought I would walk down the hill to the rail trail and walk 100 yards(?) to the bridge and back after I ate.  I burned my soup and scraped the pan.  I walked about 90 feet through the yard to dump my soup over the fence, and thought "That's good enough for today."  A couple days ago, I was able to walk to the bridge with no issue.

I would say the fatigue was partially caused by not wanting to eat.  About the second day, it was like someone turned off my nose and taste buds.  Orange jello with oranges was just vague textures as I ate it.  Chicken and noodles felt like it kept expanding as I chewed it.  Water and Dr. Thunder tasted about the same.  Powerade tasted like pure salt, but it helped.  Losing 19 (not 15...) in 10 days was a contributing factor to fatigue, too.  Being overweight tends to lead to hospitalization and complications, but I would say being the 'proper' weight or lower could also be an issue.  Being the 'proper' weight of 175 and losing 19, I think, would be an even bigger issue – that's more than 10%.
"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer


"Adjusting Fixed Revolver Sights." American Gunsmith, Nov. 2018, pp. 11–12.
"AR-15 Pistol Build." American Gunsmith, July 2019, pp.11-13.
  "Century Arms JW-2000." American Gunsmith, March 2019, pp. 3-5.
"Finding Information." American Gunsmith, Apr. 2018, p. 11+.
"Remington 552."  American Gunsmith, December 2019, pp.8-9.
  "Winchester .22 Speedloader."  American Gunsmith, June, 2019, pp.8-10.
"You know Grady, some people think I'm overprepared, paranoid, maybe even a little crazy. But they never met any Pre-Cambrian lifeforms did they?" -- Burt Gummer

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