I've joined the undead...

Started by JayceSlayn, October 17, 2021, 07:07:37 PM

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I had not been active on the old ZS for a long time (life happens), but on a whim I decided to browse on over, just in time to learn that we'd lost our home, and then arisen a new one. I was a member of the old board since 2008 - I'll shed a tear for the passing of that era. I can't promise that I'll be more active henceforth, but I'm still excited to see many of the same old names, and how we'll all carry on from here!


Wellcome to the new forum!

I do recognize your name from the old one..  :smiley_knipoog:
I myself was mostly reading on the old ZS but I try to be a bit more active here..
-Is One Bullet that Hits!!!


Welcome aboard!  Glad to see another survivor!
Information - it's all a battle for information. You have to know what's happening if you're going to do anything about it. - Tom Clancy, Patriot Games


Welcome! Great to see you and I remember you being active back in the day.

Mr. E. Monkey

One of us!  One of us!  ONE OF US!

(Welcome, it's good to see you!)
Quote from: SMoAF'Tis better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.
Quote from: BeowolfDisasters are terrifying, but people are stupid.
Quote from: wee drop o' bushTHE EVIL MONKEY HAS WON THE INTERNETS!  :lol:

Lettuce Pray

Since I joined ZS about 10 years after you we never met. But I am glad you are here and hope you continue to come by.

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