Another ZS Ex-Pat

Started by Skidjit, June 30, 2024, 07:45:33 PM

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Good Evening All! Ex ZS Member here, used to go under the username "Raven_Thunder". Was actually one of the under 18 year olds grandfathered in when that rule took effect. Was a huge fan of the Destructomundo podcast, spent most of my time in the Firearms section of ZS with the likes of HK33(RIP brother) , Bear_B and CivilianScout just to name a few. Sad to see the old forum gone, glad to see there are still a few refuges out there. I'll be lurking around and adding to the discussions when I can as I am still active duty Coast Guard (closer to retirement than my initial enlistment though).
Former ZS Forum Member Raven_Thunder; was one of the grandfathered in under-18 year olds


Welcome!  Can't say I remember you from ZS but they say that the memory is the second thing to go when you reach my age.  Can't remember what the first was.

Or the third.
Nonsolis Radios Sediouis Fulmina Mitto. - USN Gunner's Mate motto

Current Weather in My AO
Current Tracking Info for My Jeep


Feed science, not zombies!

Failure is the path of least persistence.



Welcome to the new place, Skidjit.


Welcome aboard!  (interestingly, I just finished reading a CG report about a capsizing / sinking right before I checked in on the forums tonight)
Information - it's all a battle for information. You have to know what's happening if you're going to do anything about it. - Tom Clancy, Patriot Games



I am always happy to see a former zs'er arrive.

We are glad you found us.
Folks you are on your own...Plan and act accordingly!

I will never claim to have all the answers. Depending upon the subject; I am also aware that I may not have all the questions much less the answers. As a result I am always willing to listen to others and work with them to arrive at the right answers to the applicable questions.


Welcome to the new hangout.


I was going to say that your name looked familiar from the old ZS forums when you registered here, but I was obviously wrong about that.  Let's just say I'm clairvoyant and leave it at that.

Glad to have you aboard and I enjoyed your review of the Dutch DPM Gore-tex Bivy.  Adding quality gear review content to our growing site is always appreciated.  That one pic in your review looked like it was taken with night vision equipment.
A post-apocalyptic tale of love, loss and redemption. And zombies!
<br />

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Hello, @Skidjit !  Nice to meet you. Happy you found us.  (I hung out mostly in ZS gardening, Poor Man's Prepping, and Mom's Journal of the Zombie Years so our paths probably didn't cross back then)


Welcome from one of the "new guys."  

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