The Secret War with Canada

Started by NT2C, December 21, 2022, 11:19:18 AM

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Two of our friends who live in British Columbia have told us for years now that Canada secretly declared war on the US, and that those damned Canada Geese are the shock troops prior to the main attack.

Well, the US just scored a small victory in this epic struggle:

Bald Eagle Spotted Carrying Canadian Goose in Washington State
Nonsolis Radios Sediouis Fulmina Mitto. - USN Gunner's Mate motto

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Those Canada Geese are particularly nasty weapons. In addition to their primary attacks, they settle onto territory in huge flocks and proceed to shit all over the place.  Long after they've come and gone those piles of goose shit remain a menace, endangering not just combatants but innocent civilians as well.

It's the indiscriminate nature of Canada Goose shit that has led the United Nations to propose an international ban on the wartime use of Canada Geese and similar horrific weaponry. Canada steadfastly refuses to ratify the ban however.
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 i live close by the Kaw river. We get large flocks all the time in fall and winter. It's kinda Romantique to hear a large flock fly by. The stillness of the morning, hushed as if in wait of  cackle of hundreds of geese. And then the barrage of shotguns .  DIE DIE DIE CANADIAN AGRESSORS
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83

Wasteland Charlie

If you live near where they winter you know they are never quiet. All night the torment everyone with their honking like they're the screams the damned! :smiley_devil:
Deus Vult

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