Optics Chat

Started by NT2C, August 07, 2021, 05:55:25 PM

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Even with all my long-winded rambling I forgot to mention the two other reasons I've been wanting to get a night vision device.

The first one is that I'm interested in seeing how my stuff looks under night vision.

The second is to be able to scan and try to see if some people are trying to sneak up on us at night either using a dim light or their own night vision. Night vision is becoming more and more common, so I think there is more risk of bad guys using it.

Both of those reasons are more tinfoil hat, but the world has seemed somewhat more scary to me the last few years. Not just because of the big global events but because I've seen a bunch more people online who have a lot of gear and training and who also have (IMO) nihilistic attitudes and bad intentions. I don't know if these people were always so prevalent and I just happen to be noticing them more often, or if there are a lot more of them recently.

For both of the above two reasons I think an inexpensive handheld might suit my purposes fine, but I want the scope for non-SHTF reasons.


Quote from: Optimist on January 20, 2023, 09:40:04 PMEven with all my long-winded rambling I forgot to mention the two other reasons I've been wanting to get a night vision device.

The first one is that I'm interested in seeing how my stuff looks under night vision.

The second is to be able to scan and try to see if some people are trying to sneak up on us at night either using a dim light or their own night vision. Night vision is becoming more and more common, so I think there is more risk of bad guys using it.

Both of those reasons are more tinfoil hat, but the world has seemed somewhat more scary to me the last few years. Not just because of the big global events but because I've seen a bunch more people online who have a lot of gear and training and who also have (IMO) nihilistic attitudes and bad intentions. I don't know if these people were always so prevalent and I just happen to be noticing them more often, or if there are a lot more of them recently.

For both of the above two reasons I think an inexpensive handheld might suit my purposes fine, but I want the scope for non-SHTF reasons.
I feel the same way and have a theory. I think the economy has gotten so bad that there are alot more desperate people than there were say 5 years ago. Just look at the amount of homeless. The breaking down of unions over the last four decades. A $7.25 federal minimum wage. Rents and houses skyhigh.

Here in LA I used to feel safe. I'm 6'3" 250 though. And an ex-marine type. I never carried a weapon. Occassionally had a pistol in a lockbox in my vehicle. But only when working.

Now I find myself carrying a knife everywhere. I'm not a ninja. But at least I have a last resort. I can get a ccw now here. But have not applied yet for various reasons. But seriously wanting too.

There is just a different vibe right now. People seem more on edge. More car breakins in my vehicles. People where I shop seem to be more desparate. And more on edge. You used to hear alot of honking in traffic. Not so much anymore. Because I think people are more afraid to. More shootings on the freeways. More cartel activity in socal. I had an employee kidnapped and killed in Tijuana.

I honestly don't want to live here any longer. But my wife is very sick. We live in a normally very safe town. But like I said alot more vehicle thefts here. Criminals used to be afraid to come here. Not anymore. And the bad area of the city is only a mile or so away. Its just a freeway that separates this place. And there are alot more people on the otherside than on this side. 

So ya. I agree. Plus drug addiction is no longer confined. Just as likely to have a meth lab and big market in a rural town as a city. 

"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Quote from: Moab on January 21, 2023, 01:04:35 AMI feel the same way and have a theory. I think the economy has gotten so bad that there are alot more desperate people than there were say 5 years ago. Just look at the amount of homeless. The breaking down of unions over the last four decades. A $7.25 federal minimum wage. Rents and houses skyhigh.
That makes sense to me. I think that also even people who are still making an okay living are seeing all the difficulty and picking up a sense of foreboding and unease.

I tested out my inexpensive Sig 1500 laser rangefinder in the woods around my place. In the new growth the furthest sightline I could get was a little under a hundred yards, and in the old growth I got out to 180. This is in the winter so no leaves and I'm several feet higher up than I would be in the summer. I'm curious to see how far I'll be able to reach but I'd be surprised if I can get past 50 yards, and mostly a lot closer than that as the bushes are very thick. It was a warm day so I didn't get a chance to test how well the laser rangefinder works in the cold. I did have issues with my breath fogging the lenses, like happens with most all glass.


Primary arms came out with a LPVO in the $330 price range. Available for pre order. Buy when they have a SAVE10 or SAVE12 coupon though.


There's a ton of reviews on Youtube. I've watched a few, and most are positive. I think I've decided not to buy the less expensive LPVO to 'try out' before getting the one I want. But this one would have been the one i'd get if was going to stick with that plan. I'm all in on this Recce build now.
Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.


Quote from: MacWa77ace on March 30, 2023, 04:21:25 PMPrimary arms came out with a LPVO in the $330 price range. Available for pre order. Buy when they have a SAVE10 or SAVE12 coupon though.


There's a ton of reviews on Youtube. I've watched a few, and most are positive. I think I've decided not to buy the less expensive LPVO to 'try out' before getting the one I want. But this one would have been the one i'd get if was going to stick with that plan. I'm all in on this Recce build now.
What separates from the gen3? This scope has been at the top of my list for awhile. I understand the reticle is different. And I kind of like the simolicity of the nova. But just curious how much better it might be?

"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


It took so long for the Pulsar Digex C50 to get back in stock that now another digital night vision scope that can work in subzero temperatures has come onto the market. It's the AGM Neith, and it's $800 with a good quality mount compared to the Pulsar's $1400.

I'm thinking I might get the AGM instead. It does pretty much everything the Pulsar does, but from the videos I've watched the image quality and refresh rate is not quite as good. There's a few other smaller considerations:
*The AGM uses standard 18650 batteries compared to the Pulsar's proprietary batteries
*The AGM comes with a mount, the Pulsar has a form factor designed for bolt-actions where I'll probably have to get a reverse-cantilever rail to use the AGM
*The Pulsar is made in Europe while I'm not sure where the AGM is made (I suspect China).
*The Pulsar is rated up to .375 H&H. I have one of those and wouldn't mind being able to put it on that as well. The AGM says it is rated for up to 750g but I'm not sure what that means.

Overall I'd rather have the Pulsar, but the way digital night vision is advancing I don't think it's worth having something top-of-the-line at the moment and rather it's probably better to get something cheaper and then get another cheaper thing in a few years rather than get something twice as expensive and trying to make it work twice as long. The problem was before that none of the cheaper ones worked in cold weather.

I need to look into the recoil rating before making up my mind. Also I think Behring came out with a new digital night vision scope at SHOT but I haven't looked into that one yet.

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