Texas Officials Declares Disiaster Area for.....

Started by Uomo Senza Nome, March 12, 2024, 08:39:22 PM

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Uomo Senza Nome

A solar eclipse?


I got nothing.

Texas Official Warns People to Stock Up on Food Ahead of Solar Eclipse  (msn.com)
Texas Official Warns People to Stock Up on Food Ahead of Solar Eclipse  (msn.com)

In any case, if you are nearby I suggest going. If you are in the direct path you won't regret it. I did the one in 2018 and it was a euphoric and humbling experience to see the sun blocked from the sky. I suggest doing what we did and avoid any gathering areas, unless you just want someone to share the moment with.
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."


Anyplace in the direct path will be a huge mess.

In my wife's tiny (<3K)hometown in rural Utah, just the partial eclipse brought a mass of idiots.

This is a real event and could turn into quite the mess.

Stay safe.
I'd much rather be a disappointed pessimist than a horrified optimist....

Sorry guys - closed my Amazon account and am out of the fiction biz.


Demolition Ranch (Matt Carriker) is going to hold a viewing event at his new "Abandoned Resort" for it.  He said that his town, Boerne, TX (pop. 19,109), is expecting 100,000 people!  They're already warning visitors to bring in their own food, since the stores and restaurants will likely run out.  Ditto for gas, water, bathrooms, etc.

My parents and brother's family are in Ohio, near Dayton, and all the cities around there are also gearing up for it.  Fortunately for them, they can just step outside to see the whole thing.  I'm actually considering taking the day off and going down to see it as well, since I've got a ready-made place to stay!
Information - it's all a battle for information. You have to know what's happening if you're going to do anything about it. - Tom Clancy, Patriot Games

Uomo Senza Nome

My sister lives outside Boerne in a gated community on top of a hill. They are perfectly aligned for the big show. The plan is Margaritas in the pool. Short of blue lights streaking from sky beaming people into the mother ship I think we will be fine. They haven't been to the grocery store in several years since the kids left home. All their food gets delivered through one of those companies that sends you meal kits. They have some stuff in reserve they bought on one of those websites that sends you a bunch of dehydrated and canned stuff to ride out end times or whatever the next big thing is. I don't think they have ever opened a box of it.

The last eclipse was near enough for me to drive to in a couple of hours. I saw zero problems there.
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."


I've seen a few posts by people who think the eclipse will last for three days.  No idea where that idea came from. 
Feed science, not zombies!

Failure is the path of least persistence.


Uomo Senza Nome

Quote from: Anianna on March 12, 2024, 10:02:31 PMI've seen a few posts by people who think the eclipse will last for three days.  No idea where that idea came from. 
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."


I'm in the path of totality.  Local officials are telling people to get where they want to be by 8am and be prepared not to be able to leave until 8pm.  

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Quote from: Uomo Senza Nome on March 12, 2024, 08:39:22 PMA solar eclipse?


I got nothing.

"Texas official warns"

Well, no. A Texas official did recommend. That person being the director of the Office of Emergency Services. What he said was:

-"I recommended visiting the stores and gas stations in advance to simply reduce traffic flow the day of the event and manage individuals' expectations that we will have a few more visitors in our county than normal."
-"I always encourage [people] to keep your fuel tanks filled [half] tank or better as a standard practice."

Disproving the headline inference. (did I use that right?)

And then there's this (rothflol):

"On April 8, the moon will be positioned in such a way that the entire disc of the sun will be blocked out in several U.S. states, plunging millions of people into darkness during the early afternoon.
Yeah..no again. Because - electricity. 

Sensationalism much?


"plunging millions".


sensationalism: the use of shocking or exciting subjects, language, or style in order to interest the public.  CHECK


Clickbait: sensationalized headline that encourages people to click a link to an article, image, or video   CHECK

That whole dang page. A sensationalized headline with a very brief story on a page is filled filled filled with things to click on. 

I know you guys knew all about this already. I just liked pulling it together and typing it.  :smiley_knipoog:

Did anyone ever watch the Aaron Sorkin series "The Newsroom"? The characters Jim Harper & Hallie Shea do a lot of, um, discussing(?) the clickbait topic. Demonstrating just how easy it is for one to get lured into using clickbait as a tool.

A slippery slope, that.


Quoteplunging millions of people into darkness
I'm a skeered of the dark   :panic:
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


It is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
Folks you are on your own...Plan and act accordingly!

I will never claim to have all the answers. Depending upon the subject; I am also aware that I may not have all the questions much less the answers. As a result I am always willing to listen to others and work with them to arrive at the right answers to the applicable questions.


Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 01:25:50 PMIt is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
So you're saying  roll out the third line  combat load out ?  Board up the windows, Dig rifle pits in front yard . Talk in code only, over a radio? Z mobile 2, Delta shack 1. Contact foreword 100 meters. I'm lighting them up.
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83

Uomo Senza Nome

Quote from: Ever (Zombiepreparation) on March 13, 2024, 08:44:26 AM
Quote from: Uomo Senza Nome on March 12, 2024, 08:39:22 PMA solar eclipse?


I got nothing.

"Texas official warns"

Well, no. A Texas official did recommend. That person being the director of the Office of Emergency Services. What he said was:

-"I recommended visiting the stores and gas stations in advance to simply reduce traffic flow the day of the event and manage individuals' expectations that we will have a few more visitors in our county than normal."
-"I always encourage [people] to keep your fuel tanks filled [half] tank or better as a standard practice."

Disproving the headline inference. (did I use that right?)

And then there's this (rothflol):

"On April 8, the moon will be positioned in such a way that the entire disc of the sun will be blocked out in several U.S. states, plunging millions of people into darkness during the early afternoon.
Yeah..no again. Because - electricity. 

Sensationalism much?


"plunging millions".


sensationalism: the use of shocking or exciting subjects, language, or style in order to interest the public.  CHECK


Clickbait: sensationalized headline that encourages people to click a link to an article, image, or video  CHECK

That whole dang page. A sensationalized headline with a very brief story on a page is filled filled filled with things to click on. 

I know you guys knew all about this already. I just liked pulling it together and typing it.  :smiley_knipoog:

Did anyone ever watch the Aaron Sorkin series "The Newsroom"? The characters Jim Harper & Hallie Shea do a lot of, um, discussing(?) the clickbait topic. Demonstrating just how easy it is for one to get lured into using clickbait as a tool.

A slippery slope, that.
Couldn't tell you, I have heavy ad blockers.
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."


Quote from: flybynight on March 13, 2024, 05:17:24 PM
Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 01:25:50 PMIt is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
So you're saying  roll out the third line  combat load out ?  Board up the windows, Dig rifle pits in front yard . Talk in code only, over a radio? Z mobile 2, Delta shack 1. Contact foreword 100 meters. I'm lighting them up.
Naw!  Practice grey man and bug in tactics.
Folks you are on your own...Plan and act accordingly!

I will never claim to have all the answers. Depending upon the subject; I am also aware that I may not have all the questions much less the answers. As a result I am always willing to listen to others and work with them to arrive at the right answers to the applicable questions.

Uomo Senza Nome

Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 07:25:34 PM
Quote from: flybynight on March 13, 2024, 05:17:24 PM
Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 01:25:50 PMIt is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
So you're saying  roll out the third line  combat load out ?  Board up the windows, Dig rifle pits in front yard . Talk in code only, over a radio? Z mobile 2, Delta shack 1. Contact foreword 100 meters. I'm lighting them up.
Naw!  Practice grey man and bugin tactics.
Ball cap, flannel shirt, jeans and boots. Dirty 10 year old pickup truck and you are GTG.
"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. "

"There's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."


Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 07:25:34 PM
Quote from: flybynight on March 13, 2024, 05:17:24 PM
Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 01:25:50 PMIt is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
So you're saying  roll out the third line  combat load out ?  Board up the windows, Dig rifle pits in front yard . Talk in code only, over a radio? Z mobile 2, Delta shack 1. Contact foreword 100 meters. I'm lighting them up.
Naw!  Practice grey man and bug in tactics.
Got it. Surprise attack with clubs. Those golden hoarders will rue the day they entered the eclipse protection zone. It will be glorious melee madness
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


Quote from: Uomo Senza Nome on March 13, 2024, 07:30:09 PM
Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 07:25:34 PM
Quote from: flybynight on March 13, 2024, 05:17:24 PM
Quote from: Raptor on March 13, 2024, 01:25:50 PMIt is not the eclipse but rather the golden horde of visitors.

Actually it is good practice for a future golden horde event.
So you're saying  roll out the third line  combat load out ?  Board up the windows, Dig rifle pits in front yard . Talk in code only, over a radio? Z mobile 2, Delta shack 1. Contact foreword 100 meters. I'm lighting them up.
Naw!  Practice grey man and bugin tactics.
Ball cap, flannel shirt, jeans and boots. Dirty 10 year old pickup truck and you are GTG.

Aww. I thought this was a special event. That's just me everyday  . Can't I at least wear a Cold steel machete  across my back  and a shemagh?

 Oh wait. That's just me some days
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


Lambytown and environs are in the path of totality.
FEMA has actually come up and advised local officials.
We have been told to expect (minimum) 10,000 folks to come up to view the eclipse.
The MINIMUM number is scary as shit for us up here. The entire county has a population of 31,000 approx.
The MAXIMUM estimate of visitors coming up is 60,000.
 :eek1:  :gonk:  :panic:
A lot of them will be heading for Pittsburg NH (a few miles up the road.) They expect (low estimate) 4,000 people.
Y'all.....y'all....the population of Pittsburg is 813. No, wait, 812, they had a death last week (RIP Inez).
My town...Colebrook,  is around 2,200 people.
Coos county is just a bunch of wee towns and villages, separated by badly maintained roads. The spring repair season on the roads doesn't start till May, usually. The roads are peppered with frost heaves, potholes, etc.
Also, April 8th will be during Mud Season. Seriously....until you experience it up here, you don't know.

Pittsburg has put out a page of advice for visitors...among other things, it tells visitors to be aware of the bears and other wildlife waking up for Spring that will be out and about at that time. Also, moose with little ones. I live in a trailer park. We have had bear and moose and deer, porcupines, skunks, coyotes, etc in the trailer park. Now, if all those animals feel comfortable wandering through here, trust me, they will have NO problems wandering around Pittsburg at that time.
They also helpfully informed the visiting public that the nearest EV charger is located in Colebrook. At the IGA. Where I work. Yup, just what we need. Pissed off Tesla drivers getting in fights in our back parking lot over the only 2 chargers for literally 80 miles....
All the schools up here are closed on the 8th, and depending on traffic, some will be closed the 9th as well.
Port-a-johns will be stationed near parking lots, etc. Our store will be closing the public bathrooms. They will be for employee use only.
The library will be closed. They will be doing a raffle of a quilt in the front of the library, however. Tickets $1.00.
Businesses just had a meeting with Coos county officials, a couple of consultants, and a guy from FEMA in order to get all our (collective) ducks in a row for the event. Lance (my boss) has told all departments that it is to be "all hands on deck" from the 5th until the 9th. Overtime has been authorized. People working the 8th will get a bonus. We are putting port-a-johns outside, plus trash barrels.
Lance is expecting a "clusterfuck" but figures will will manage to muddle through. I told him I am feeling "totally Zen" about it and I think it will all go smoothly. He thinks I'm nuts. :smiley_blink:
I figure it will be like the pandemic buying we had, possibly a little worse. I hope.
Anyway, since we are one of the "Ground Zero" places experiencing totality, I'll keep y'all updated as best I can.
I think a lot of visitors are going to be shocked when they realize there are NO fast food places up here, except for the Subway at the gas station. And Dunkin' Donuts. That is it. The nearest McDonalds is about 40 minutes away down in Lancaster. We have our Prepared Foods counter at the deli, and we expect big sales. Fried Chicken, fries, potato salad, grinders, etc.

So, that's the Eclipse Event view from The Great North Woods.We'll see what happens.
"But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you." Taken

"There is no such thing as a fair fight. Fight dirty EVERY time. Dirty fighters win, fair fighters lose. Every fight is a fight for your life. Fight to win. Fight dirty." My dad

"Am I dangerous? Ask any of my surviving exes..." Me


"But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you." Taken

"There is no such thing as a fair fight. Fight dirty EVERY time. Dirty fighters win, fair fighters lose. Every fight is a fight for your life. Fight to win. Fight dirty." My dad

"Am I dangerous? Ask any of my surviving exes..." Me


Quote from: Lambykins on March 14, 2024, 09:22:46 AMLambytown and environs are in the path of totality.
FEMA has actually come up and advised local officials.
We have been told to expect (minimum) 10,000 folks to come up to view the eclipse.
The MINIMUM number is scary as shit for us up here. The entire county has a population of 31,000 approx.
The MAXIMUM estimate of visitors coming up is 60,000.
 :eek1:  :gonk:  :panic:
A lot of them will be heading for Pittsburg NH (a few miles up the road.) They expect (low estimate) 4,000 people.
Y'all.....y'all....the population of Pittsburg is 813. No, wait, 812, they had a death last week (RIP Inez).
My town...Colebrook,  is around 2,200 people.
Coos county is just a bunch of wee towns and villages, separated by badly maintained roads. The spring repair season on the roads doesn't start till May, usually. The roads are peppered with frost heaves, potholes, etc.
Also, April 8th will be during Mud Season. Seriously....until you experience it up here, you don't know.

Pittsburg has put out a page of advice for visitors...among other things, it tells visitors to be aware of the bears and other wildlife waking up for Spring that will be out and about at that time. Also, moose with little ones. I live in a trailer park. We have had bear and moose and deer, porcupines, skunks, coyotes, etc in the trailer park. Now, if all those animals feel comfortable wandering through here, trust me, they will have NO problems wandering around Pittsburg at that time.
They also helpfully informed the visiting public that the nearest EV charger is located in Colebrook. At the IGA. Where I work. Yup, just what we need. Pissed off Tesla drivers getting in fights in our back parking lot over the only 2 chargers for literally 80 miles....
All the schools up here are closed on the 8th, and depending on traffic, some will be closed the 9th as well.
Port-a-johns will be stationed near parking lots, etc. Our store will be closing the public bathrooms. They will be for employee use only.
The library will be closed. They will be doing a raffle of a quilt in the front of the library, however. Tickets $1.00.
Businesses just had a meeting with Coos county officials, a couple of consultants, and a guy from FEMA in order to get all our (collective) ducks in a row for the event. Lance (my boss) has told all departments that it is to be "all hands on deck" from the 5th until the 9th. Overtime has been authorized. People working the 8th will get a bonus. We are putting port-a-johns outside, plus trash barrels.
Lance is expecting a "clusterfuck" but figures will will manage to muddle through. I told him I am feeling "totally Zen" about it and I think it will all go smoothly. He thinks I'm nuts. :smiley_blink:
I figure it will be like the pandemic buying we had, possibly a little worse. I hope.
Anyway, since we are one of the "Ground Zero" places experiencing totality, I'll keep y'all updated as best I can.
I think a lot of visitors are going to be shocked when they realize there are NO fast food places up here, except for the Subway at the gas station. And Dunkin' Donuts. That is it. The nearest McDonalds is about 40 minutes away down in Lancaster. We have our Prepared Foods counter at the deli, and we expect big sales. Fried Chicken, fries, potato salad, grinders, etc.

So, that's the Eclipse Event view from The Great North Woods.We'll see what happens.

When the FEMA guy  advised the local officials. Did he emphasize key points with sharp karate chop gestures with his hands? 

I've always heard bears become cranky during total eclipses.  It messes with their sinuses and makes them feel itchy. Keep that in mind if you come across a cranky bear. Offer him some  Antihistamines and a back rub.

Make sure your phone is charged so you can record the karens battling it out for the EV charger . This stuff is solid gold for views on social media . You might make some bucks on YT.

I'm telling you FOOD TRUCK. You could probably pay it off and still have buckets a cash in one day.

Keep us posted . Keep the light on . Ya hearh.  :smiley_coolpeace:

"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Quote from: Lambykins on March 14, 2024, 09:22:46 AMLambytown and environs are in the path of totality.
FEMA has actually come up and advised local officials.
We have been told to expect (minimum) 10,000 folks to come up to view the eclipse.
The MINIMUM number is scary as shit for us up here. The entire county has a population of 31,000 approx.
The MAXIMUM estimate of visitors coming up is 60,000.
 :eek1:  :gonk:  :panic:
A lot of them will be heading for Pittsburg NH (a few miles up the road.) They expect (low estimate) 4,000 people.
Y'all.....y'all....the population of Pittsburg is 813. No, wait, 812, they had a death last week (RIP Inez).
My town...Colebrook,  is around 2,200 people.
Coos county is just a bunch of wee towns and villages, separated by badly maintained roads. The spring repair season on the roads doesn't start till May, usually. The roads are peppered with frost heaves, potholes, etc.
Also, April 8th will be during Mud Season. Seriously....until you experience it up here, you don't know.

Pittsburg has put out a page of advice for visitors...among other things, it tells visitors to be aware of the bears and other wildlife waking up for Spring that will be out and about at that time. Also, moose with little ones. I live in a trailer park. We have had bear and moose and deer, porcupines, skunks, coyotes, etc in the trailer park. Now, if all those animals feel comfortable wandering through here, trust me, they will have NO problems wandering around Pittsburg at that time.
They also helpfully informed the visiting public that the nearest EV charger is located in Colebrook. At the IGA. Where I work. Yup, just what we need. Pissed off Tesla drivers getting in fights in our back parking lot over the only 2 chargers for literally 80 miles....
All the schools up here are closed on the 8th, and depending on traffic, some will be closed the 9th as well.
Port-a-johns will be stationed near parking lots, etc. Our store will be closing the public bathrooms. They will be for employee use only.
The library will be closed. They will be doing a raffle of a quilt in the front of the library, however. Tickets $1.00.
Businesses just had a meeting with Coos county officials, a couple of consultants, and a guy from FEMA in order to get all our (collective) ducks in a row for the event. Lance (my boss) has told all departments that it is to be "all hands on deck" from the 5th until the 9th. Overtime has been authorized. People working the 8th will get a bonus. We are putting port-a-johns outside, plus trash barrels.
Lance is expecting a "clusterfuck" but figures will will manage to muddle through. I told him I am feeling "totally Zen" about it and I think it will all go smoothly. He thinks I'm nuts. :smiley_blink:
I figure it will be like the pandemic buying we had, possibly a little worse. I hope.
Anyway, since we are one of the "Ground Zero" places experiencing totality, I'll keep y'all updated as best I can.
I think a lot of visitors are going to be shocked when they realize there are NO fast food places up here, except for the Subway at the gas station. And Dunkin' Donuts. That is it. The nearest McDonalds is about 40 minutes away down in Lancaster. We have our Prepared Foods counter at the deli, and we expect big sales. Fried Chicken, fries, potato salad, grinders, etc.

So, that's the Eclipse Event view from The Great North Woods.We'll see what happens.

Oh. That puts an entirely different face on this Event and the recommending a wisdom in shopping now because the stores might run low/out of stuff in the light of these numbers of people coming to his area.

My bad. I was wayyy off base. Thanks @Lambykins

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