Cast iron cookware

Started by Ever (Zombiepreparation), May 31, 2023, 12:45:52 AM

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Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Was just given a small cast iron pan. Care and cooking with it seems daunting.

What I'm hoping is some of you who probably know everything about everything cast iron care and cooking can offer tips here for me and others here now and those who join us in the future.

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Have been scouring YouTube for seasoning & cleaning tips. Some of them say do it 'this way', others say 'NO, don't do that do this'.

One says have one for meat and a separate one for fish.

Then I do stove top baking for my infamous bread-like foods. By which I mean every dish starts with some kind of flour and water, then I add whatever takes my fancy that day to the mix. 😄

So would I want to have a dedicated third small skillet pan for bread-like substances?

(my pan is a little 8" skillet so having separate ones wouldn't be an issue if that's recommended, even in my tiny kitchen)

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

Oh yeah, and many vids show cleaning with pouring greasy mix down the sink which having known a couple of plumbers over the years is a BIG plumbing no-no because of grease buildup anywhere along the plumbing line. Even far away from the pouring source. One video only I've found so far said do Not pour it down the sink, pour it on weeds outside.

Well, outside for me is five stories down and 'outside' is building property and would probably be a lease violation anyway.

So where/how do I dispose of greasy messes after cooking fried veggies, eggs, and meat?

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

The person in the first of this video is like me right now. 😅

It also seems informative. But what do I know at this point? 😄 Any comments on the video from the cast iron educated? Individual points or overall. If this YouTuber is misinformed I'll strike the post with a bad info disclaimer.👍

Titled: 'Simple rules for cast iron, Do.. Don't'

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

But one thing in that vid I imagine is important to know is to not store cast iron with lids on because lids can trap humidity which can start rust.

I wouldn't have naturally thought of that.

Ever (Zombiepreparation)

This sounds like a GoodToKnow thing if true - I don't want to cook anything that's main base is really acidic (tomato based, vinegar, citrus, etc) in my regular cast iron because the acidity will actually strip off the seasoning? With acidic base foods use the enameled cast iron or stainless steel pots.


Ok I typed out a whole post. . Of which all but the beginning and end self deleted when I posted. I will  re post later
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


I've been using a Lodge cast iron skillet for years now, and they're generally pretty low maintenance. At first, it drove me a little crazy when "experts" clutched their pearls when someone used soap and water to clean a skillet, or bragged about seasoning a skillet for generations on end. I don't know why, but people tend to really overthink skillets.

In my own experience: 

1.) Keep it oiled with a light coating of canola oil
2.) After use, scrub with hot water and a brush. 
3.) I use a plastic brush first, then a metal scrubber for really cooked-on stuff, but without too much pressure
4.) Dry and re-oil
5.) I season mine every once in a while by cooking some bacon or ground beef

I honestly can't remember the last time I had to use soap to clean my skillet. Soap is OK. Just dry and re-oil it. 

As far as acidic stuff, I've definitely cooked with tomato paste and tomato sauce with no ill effects. 

Remember what our ancestors did to these things. They're built to take it. 


hmm. I forgot to return to this. But what he said. No ill effects from acidic foods as long as it's not constant. Season it. Re season every once in awhile. I also use a brush and just water.  Every once in awhile a little dawn dish soap.  I am having trouble with a little 8 inch goodwill find skillet. Even after 10 re seasonings. Everything still sticks to it. My next step is to sand down the cooking surface and re season again. If that don't work . trash can it goes and I'm out two bucks. 
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


Couple of tips not mentioned yet I think:
Eggs like to stick to some pans no matter what, this is solved by using real butter for frying eggs.
If something gets stuck it can usually be washed of right away by quickly passing the hot pan under the tap and scrubbing with a brush while the water boils off (watch your fingers, steam is hot). Very little water is needed, low quality (thin) pans can be damaged by rapid cooldown so be careful with those.
I keep a pot in the fridge that i pour excess fat into, i use the grease for making bird seed balls in the winter or just scoop it into the compost. Probably can be used for other things too.

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