Future zombies anyone?

Started by Lettuce Pray, July 06, 2021, 06:35:02 PM

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Lettuce Pray


I'm still banking on some covid 19 mutation
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


NAD+ taken orally gets broken down while digested and is not absorbed directly into the cells. So they're probably testing one of the known precursors the body easily converts into NAD+ that does survive digestion and get straight into cells. Either NR, NMN, or another one I'm not familiar with.

They must be trying to keep older experienced troops able to operate in the field longer. Taking NAD+ intravenously or a precursor orally does nothing for younger people. It's rare for it to help middle age people as well unless they have gone through extraordinary long periods of sleep deprivation and high stress. Which combat troops often experience.

If anyone hears they're using NR, let the rest of us know. Only one company in the US has the rights to produce it. Their nasdaq ticker is CDXC.

Disclaimer: I own stock in the company, and I am not qualified to give investing advice.
"Seriously the most dangerous thing you are likely to do is to put salt on a Big Mac right before you eat it and to climb into your car."

Zed hunter

I figured the vaccines would start TETOWAKIZA.

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