Upgrade to HPG chestrig.

Started by Moab, April 03, 2023, 03:58:40 PM

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I like the use of a chestpack under a backpack. As it takes advantage of the blank space netween the shoulder straps. And gives you quick access to a pistol and other supplies you don't want to stop and dig out of your pack. I use a chestpack and a fannypack with my backpack for this purpose. 

I have the Hill People Gear Recon chest bag. It's well made. But very expensive. And honestly to small. With a depth of only 1" it doesnt leave much room for anything beyond your pistol. And the idea of this bag is that it rides in the blank space on your chest netween your backpacks shoulder straps. Giving you access to a pistol, nav gear, gloves, hat etc. Things you don't want to dig out of pack. And its super convenient to use that unused space on your chest. Without the bulk of a full chestrig under your backpack shoulder straps. 

The HPG Recon sells for $130!
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Several companies have started replicating this idea. Including 5.11 who sells a nice survival model. But is still quite small. And at $45 is a much more reasonable offering. 

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Some much cheaper options have come out of China. That are 3.5 deep. And roughly the same width and height. The full chest rig with straps is $33. Compared to HPGs which is again $130! 

And the pouch by itself with no straps from China is $25. And again is 3.5 deep. Giving you enough room to actually make it worth while. I may purchase one these and see if I can just replace the pouch in my HPG model.

( It looks much like the last pic. But with an extra pouch in front of the main pouch.)

WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch of Laser Cut Design, Utility Pouches Molle Attachment Military Medical EMT Organizer with Map Pocket EDC EMT Pack IFAK Tool Holder Universal U.S.A Patch Included https://a.co/d/7hW3TGy

An alternative to this that might hold more stuff is this minimalist chestrig. And adding the above pouch to it. There are many pouch options, mag pouches etc for this rig on aliexpress. One cool thing about this one is if you scroll down on the listing it has a bottle holder built into the molle webbing. Idk how well it might work with backpack straps. But I am always struggling to find a water bottle carrier that will work with a pack. Especially one that is not flopping around. Mounted to the shoulder strap or waist belt. 

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US $26.53  41%OFF | SPC Lightweight Tactical Vest Chest Rigs U.S. Imported Cordura Material MOLLE High Quality Military Hunting Vest 2022 New

I could only find the single pocket chest pouch on aliexpress. But it is only $6.

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US $4.63 74%OFF | Military Tactical Molle Medical First Aid Pouch Outdoor Sport Nylon Multifunction Backpack Accessory Army EDC Hunting Tool Bag

There are many other  chestrigs listed on aliexpress that would work with a backpack. But many are airsoft quality. The only reason I would try the above one listed is that it very much looks like that thin material used by blueforce or one of the top ultralight chestrig manufacturers. It looks like tough nylon billboard type material. Rather than the cheaper cotton models that look like airsoft stuff.
"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


I have this one from Amazon 14 to 17 bucks USD. I got it to hold my phone and stuff when on the mower. I had a new pack of cigarettes jump out of my shirt pocket and get mowed. 



I forgot to post this. Might be a bigger alternative to the standard size kit bag. Wish it came in multicam. 

"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Quote from: Rednex on April 03, 2023, 05:42:46 PMI have this one from Amazon 14 to 17 bucks USD. I got it to hold my phone and stuff when on the mower. I had a new pack of cigarettes jump out of my shirt pocket and get mowed. 

Thats a good smaller and lighterweight alternative. Would be perfect for a small handgun on a run or walk. Great price! 
"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Quote from: Moab on April 03, 2023, 03:58:40 PMI like the use of a chestpack under a backpack. As it takes advantage of the blank space netween the shoulder straps. And gives you quick access to a pistol and other supplies you don't want to stop and dig out of your pack. I use a chestpack and a fannypack with my backpack for this purpose.

I have the Hill People Gear Recon chest bag. It's well made. But very expensive. And honestly to small. With a depth of only 1" it doesnt leave much room for anything beyond your pistol. And the idea of this bag is that it rides in the blank space on your chest netween your backpacks shoulder straps. Giving you access to a pistol, nav gear, gloves, hat etc. Things you don't want to dig out of pack. And its super convenient to use that unused space on your chest. Without the bulk of a full chestrig under your backpack shoulder straps.

The HPG Recon sells for $130!
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Several companies have started replicating this idea. Including 5.11 who sells a nice survival model. But is still quite small. And at $45 is a much more reasonable offering.

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Some much cheaper options have come out of China. That are 3.5 deep. And roughly the same width and height. The full chest rig with straps is $33. Compared to HPGs which is again $130!

And the pouch by itself with no straps from China is $25. And again is 3.5 deep. Giving you enough room to actually make it worth while. I may purchase one these and see if I can just replace the pouch in my HPG model.

( It looks much like the last pic. But with an extra pouch in front of the main pouch.)

WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch of Laser Cut Design, Utility Pouches Molle Attachment Military Medical EMT Organizer with Map Pocket EDC EMT Pack IFAK Tool Holder Universal U.S.A Patch Included https://a.co/d/7hW3TGy

An alternative to this that might hold more stuff is this minimalist chestrig. And adding the above pouch to it. There are many pouch options, mag pouches etc for this rig on aliexpress. One cool thing about this one is if you scroll down on the listing it has a bottle holder built into the molle webbing. Idk how well it might work with backpack straps. But I am always struggling to find a water bottle carrier that will work with a pack. Especially one that is not flopping around. Mounted to the shoulder strap or waist belt.

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US $26.53  41%OFF | SPC Lightweight Tactical Vest Chest Rigs U.S. Imported Cordura Material MOLLE High Quality Military Hunting Vest 2022 New

I could only find the single pocket chest pouch on aliexpress. But it is only $6.

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US $4.63 74%OFF | Military Tactical Molle Medical First Aid Pouch Outdoor Sport Nylon Multifunction Backpack Accessory Army EDC Hunting Tool Bag

There are many other  chestrigs listed on aliexpress that would work with a backpack. But many are airsoft quality. The only reason I would try the above one listed is that it very much looks like that thin material used by blueforce or one of the top ultralight chestrig manufacturers. It looks like tough nylon billboard type material. Rather than the cheaper cotton models that look like airsoft stuff.

Why would you have your pistol in your backpack?
"Hey idiot, you should feel your pulse, not see it."  Echo 83


Quote from: flybynight on April 04, 2023, 09:24:22 AM
Quote from: Moab on April 03, 2023, 03:58:40 PMI like the use of a chestpack under a backpack. As it takes advantage of the blank space netween the shoulder straps. And gives you quick access to a pistol and other supplies you don't want to stop and dig out of your pack. I use a chestpack and a fannypack with my backpack for this purpose.

I have the Hill People Gear Recon chest bag. It's well made. But very expensive. And honestly to small. With a depth of only 1" it doesnt leave much room for anything beyond your pistol. And the idea of this bag is that it rides in the blank space on your chest netween your backpacks shoulder straps. Giving you access to a pistol, nav gear, gloves, hat etc. Things you don't want to dig out of pack. And its super convenient to use that unused space on your chest. Without the bulk of a full chestrig under your backpack shoulder straps.

The HPG Recon sells for $130!

Several companies have started replicating this idea. Including 5.11 who sells a nice survival model. But is still quite small. And at $45 is a much more reasonable offering.


Some much cheaper options have come out of China. That are 3.5 deep. And roughly the same width and height. The full chest rig with straps is $33. Compared to HPGs which is again $130!

And the pouch by itself with no straps from China is $25. And again is 3.5 deep. Giving you enough room to actually make it worth while. I may purchase one these and see if I can just replace the pouch in my HPG model.

( It looks much like the last pic. But with an extra pouch in front of the main pouch.)

WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch of Laser Cut Design, Utility Pouches Molle Attachment Military Medical EMT Organizer with Map Pocket EDC EMT Pack IFAK Tool Holder Universal U.S.A Patch Included https://a.co/d/7hW3TGy

An alternative to this that might hold more stuff is this minimalist chestrig. And adding the above pouch to it. There are many pouch options, mag pouches etc for this rig on aliexpress. One cool thing about this one is if you scroll down on the listing it has a bottle holder built into the molle webbing. Idk how well it might work with backpack straps. But I am always struggling to find a water bottle carrier that will work with a pack. Especially one that is not flopping around. Mounted to the shoulder strap or waist belt.


US $26.53  41%OFF | SPC Lightweight Tactical Vest Chest Rigs U.S. Imported Cordura Material MOLLE High Quality Military Hunting Vest 2022 New

I could only find the single pocket chest pouch on aliexpress. But it is only $6.


US $4.63 74%OFF | Military Tactical Molle Medical First Aid Pouch Outdoor Sport Nylon Multifunction Backpack Accessory Army EDC Hunting Tool Bag

There are many other  chestrigs listed on aliexpress that would work with a backpack. But many are airsoft quality. The only reason I would try the above one listed is that it very much looks like that thin material used by blueforce or one of the top ultralight chestrig manufacturers. It looks like tough nylon billboard type material. Rather than the cheaper cotton models that look like airsoft stuff.

Why would you have your pistol in your backpack?
You wouldn't. But once you put a backpack with waist belt on you quickly realize you need someplace to carry your pistol. Other than on or in your waist.

As the waist belt covers where your pistol holster would normally be. Or at least blocks easy access. Mounting it on your chest solves that. And gives you quicker access.

Thus some sort of chest holster or chest bag like these. The chest bag or even slim chest rig gives you the options of mounting your pistol in the bag. Which has quick draw cords on either corner. To quickly open the bag. And give you access to your firearm. Or you can mount your holster directly to molle on the chest bag or on the chestrig itself. Carrying it in the open. 

For casual hiking or bugging out alot of people prefer the chest bag as it conceals your pistol. But you can also carry a holster and mount it to the outside of your chest. Whether it be on the front of the chest bag. Or someplace directly on a chestrig. Whichever you prefer.

The other main advantage to either - with extra storage besides just the better access to your pistol - is quick access and storage of everyday items. Maps, gps, small binos, hat, gloves things you're constantly taking out and putting back in. While moving. So your not stopping, removing your pack, and pulling things out or putting them back in storage pockets or the main compartment of your pack. This is one of the short comings of the HPG chest bag tho. Its very shallow. Only 1 to 1.5 inches deep. Once you put your pistol in there you have little room for anything else. 

You can have a holster and storage pouch or bag on a narrow chestrig too. Or you could just mount a chest bag to it. With molle on the front. And mount a holster right on the chest bag. Or again, place your pistol in a mounted chest bag on the chest rig for concealment. Which is maybe the best of both worlds. You can chose to concel or open carry. 

I would get that narrow chest rig. Mount a chest bag to it. And have a pistol holster you could mount to the side of the chest bag or directly to the chest rig. So that you could either carry concealed in the chest bag or open in your holster mounted to the outside of the chestrig itself. 

You also have the option of adding mag pouches, fak, etc. The normal stuff you would want on a chest rig. But it needs to be narrow so the backpack shoulder straps can run to each side of it. And not be riding on top of a wide bulky chest rig. As it would impede how your backpack rides, be covering up things you need access to on your chestrig. And just generally be very uncomfortable. 

This is why the chest bag was invented. To give you some place to carry your pistol and other vital items. While taking advantage of the open space on your torso between the shoulder straps of your backpack.

But the chest bag is also used to just carry it by itself. So you can conceal carry and carry a few essential items in a small pack in your chest. They even make one for runners. So you can conceal carry while running. 

I chose that chest rig because not only is it narrow. To not impede your backpacks shoulder straps. But it is also made of very tough but very thin material. Its straps would ride well under your backpack. A larger chestrig with thick straps would not. But with the narrow area to place items on it. It would not be overloaded. So the need for thick padded shoulder straps on it is not necessary.

The last advantage to either the chest bag or chest rig with a bag mounted to it. Is what I call "last ditch". Between my chest bag and fannypack. (Or you could do this with just a chest bag.) Is I have a small, duplicate survival kit.  I carry food, shelter (poncho), firearm, ammo, knife, nav, fak, fish kit, fire kit, gloves, hat, neck gaitor, emergency foil sleeping bag/shelter etc. Albeit these are all small versions of what is in my main pack. 

If for some reason you were to lose your backpack. This small chest bag would have enough in it. To escape and evade. A common tactic when traveling is to choose a harbor site. To work out of. A small hiden place to camp and store your gear. Leaving your heavy backpack to scout around for intel, supplies, what have you. The chest bag kit gives you enough supplies on your body to move out without fear of getting caught unprepared. 
"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Here are a few pics of a chest bag being worn with a backpack. And while running. So you can get a better idea of how these are used.

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"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Here are some other pics.

Here's a typical chestrig with backpack on. This is about as wide as you'd want to go. But really do you need that big of a chestrig with that much stuff on it? No. Thats why I suggest smaller, narrower, lighter weight options above.

Also the chest bag makes you look more civilian than military. If that is a concern. Most chest bag and chestrigs can be found in grey.

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This another chest holstering option. Its much more secure and would provide the best draw. But you lose storage for other items. These are carried alot in bear country.

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Here's a couple more pics of how a chest bag rides with a pack on. Alot of militaries load up full size chestrigs and carry them under their backpacks. But their purposes are very different from someone say bugging out or existing in a paw.

Chest bags give you a way to discreetly carry while backpacking. Whike at the same time giving you quick access to various things you need on the trail.

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"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


This may be the holy grail of what I've been looking for. Just need to find a cheaper price. It's a large chest bag. And its not $16.98. its $98. Which isn't bad comoared to an HPG kit bag. But still. 

US $16.68 50%OFF | DMGear 421X Tactical Backpack Chest Bag Sports Bags Military Gear For Men Molle Hunting Shoulder Sling Accessory Strap Cross Bod

Comes in a variety colors.

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"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin

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