Review: Sofirn SC18

Started by NT2C, April 02, 2023, 09:23:13 AM

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Manufacturers website for this light

Slightly smaller than the Sofirn SC31 Pro, and with a much simpler UI and better E-button this is a  light that gets a lot of things right, but a few quite wrong.  For example, its size and weight would make it useful clipped to the brim of a hat, but the simple steel clip Sofirn includes on this light is not reversible, nor is it the "S-type" that can be used in either direction.  The flat tailcap makes tail standing easy, but why isn't it magnetic?  Sofirn sells a magnetic tailcap for it on their site for $2.59, and it's indistinguishable from the regular cap except for being magnetic but why isn't that the default? And while the simplified UI is good, it's also too simple in that it has no provision to switch from the default "stepped" mode of changing brightness to a "ramped" mode that would allow whatever brightness level you choose.  The cheap clip and stepped light output levels make this seem like one of the many inexpensive lights you find on eBay or Amazon and not one that has an MSRP of $25.99 ($29.99 w/18650 battery)and usually sells just below $20.00

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Before purchasing ANY Sofirn product from any source, please read this message regarding their refusal to honor their warranty.
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