Started by MacWa77ace, January 29, 2024, 08:27:07 AM

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If you click on the ellipsis [...] shown in the page number list at the bottom of a forum topic, it will expand to show most of the page numbers in that topic so you can click on a page number. There might be another ellipsis in that expanded list of page numbers if there are a lot of pages, but if you click that second ellipsis it will expand again and show even more page numbers.

Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.


This is a great idea for a topic!

Can't take credit for this one (I think it was Anianna): use CTRL-Shift-V to paste text copied from elsewhere without any of the text formatting from the original source.  It'll be pasted in as the same basic font as you're typing.

For example, text copied from an article on disaster preparation, pasted here using egular CTRL-V:

Emergency supply checklists are all over the internet, but a lot of advice can be intimidating in breadth, specificity, and cost. Piece by piece, you can assemble the basics of a well-prepared home using stuff you already own and a little extra know-how. There's no single strategy that's right for everyone, but our advice should help you get started.

And now text copied from the same article, using CTRL-Shift-V:

Every well-stocked kit shares some common essentials, and the best kits meet your personal needs, whether that means including diapers, medications, hard drives, or a deck of cards.

This is one reason we recommend building emergency kits and go-bags yourself instead of buying a premade one.
A post-apocalyptic tale of love, loss and redemption. And zombies!
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If you are on the 'front/main' page of the UFoZS forum [ ]. And you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you can see who is currently logged into the forum, online user stats for the day...

And if you click on the 'FORUM STATS' you can see a lot of fun stats about posts and users etc.

You don't have to be an admin or moderator to see these stats.
Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.



That if copy and paste the hyperlink for a Youtube video into the body of a 'Quick Reply' post, the forum software will automatically display a clickable 'Preview' window within the post, with the actual link displayed below the post.

But if you don't want the 'Preview' window to display in the post [you just want the link to be there], you can delete the 'https://' off the URL and the post will only display the link to the youtube video.
Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.



That when viewing the forum on a smartphone, if you view it vertically [portrait], you only see the posts. But if you turn your phone horizontally [landscape], you can also see the user's info that made the post. But you have to do more scrolling in landscape.

When you're on a PC you will always see each posts user info.

Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.


Turn on autosave to protect those really long and important posts you're typing from being lost.

Go to your profile
Click on 'Look and Layout'
Then scroll down to POSTING and click the checkbox for 'Enable automatic saving of drafts'

Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.



If you type the @ sign and then type a member's name [with no space between the @ and the first letter of the member name] it will alert the member that you 'MENTIONED' them in a POST. You can use this as an alternate to 'QUOTE'ing a post that might be getting to long with with multiple quotes and requotes. Or if you want to alert other members to something you just posted that you think they might be interested in. 'MENTIONS' show up in your alerts notifications.

Also when you type @ and start to type a member name the system will auto fill and bring up names as suggestions, you can just click on the name you want when you see it pop up.  Works that way on phones  and PC's.

I heard @KentuckyCarbine hails from Kentucky.  :awesome:

Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.


Quote from: MacWa77ace on January 29, 2024, 03:53:36 PMDID YOU KNOW

If you are on the 'front/main' page of the UFoZS forum [ ]. And you scroll all the way down to the bottom, you can see who is currently logged into the forum, online user stats for the day...

And if you click on the 'FORUM STATS' you can see a lot of fun stats about posts and users etc.

You don't have to be an admin or moderator to see these stats.
This is cool. I especially like the most recent posts link. I use to use that function on ZS. 

The stats are great too. It seems like it would more usable if you could take the chat threads out of it. We of course know those will be the most visited/popular. But it would be cool to see the most popular prepping related threads. 

I also love @majorhavoc post about ctrl-shift-v. Been using ctrl-v for decades never knew that could strip the formatting. I've always pasted and copied in a notepad to strip formatting. This is so much easier!
"Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why would we let them have ideas?" Josef Stalin


Quote from: Moab on October 13, 2024, 08:11:43 PM[snip]

I also love @majorhavoc post about ctrl-shift-v. Been using ctrl-v for decades never knew that could strip the formatting. I've always pasted and copied in a notepad to strip formatting. This is so much easier!
Much as I'd like to take credit, that wasn't my original idea - it was someone else on the forum who first shared it (Anianna or Lamby maybe?). I should have disclosed that when I posted about it here. Whoever it was should take a bow.

Agree it's a great tip and was a real revelation for me too. Makes quoting from other sources much cleaner.
A post-apocalyptic tale of love, loss and redemption. And zombies!
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