DeLorme® Atlas & Gazetteer Paper Maps

Started by TACAIR, April 07, 2024, 05:02:43 PM

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DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer | Garmin
DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer | Garmin

Not a fan of non-paper maps.  Old school? Yup, that's me.
Ass hanging out in the wind and lost because a battery crapped out?  Not me....

Each State has a bookfull of these

to scale and fairly accurate.  Since the USGS got out of the paper map biz a few years back, this is the hottest game in town.

You can study for bottlenecks, bridges, box canyons and other choke points before you plan out your exit route.

Not really 'cheap' anymore.  $25 to $30 per State, depending on vendor.  Shop and save...

I'd much rather be a disappointed pessimist than a horrified optimist....

My fiction work is found here:


I have DeLorme's Maine Gazetteer (paper) in my car at all times.  In a perfect world, it would be standard issue with your driver's license.

Fun fact: every page of DeLorme's gazetteers contains an intentional inaccuracy.  A little cul de sac or something coming off some remote road or street where no cul de sac exists.  It's a way securing injunctive relief or monetary damages against a competitor that merely copies DeLorme's cartography rather than charting a location on their own. 
A post-apocalyptic tale of love, loss and redemption. And zombies!
<br />


Benchmark is also a good brand for individual state atlases.  I like Rand McNally for a general all states road atlas. 
Feed science, not zombies!

Failure is the path of least persistence.



Thanks for posting that, just ordered 1 for each vehicle

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