Here is a site useful for someone new to Amateur radio & lingo

Started by TACAIR, April 01, 2024, 07:23:38 PM

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Ham Radio Crash Course - YouTube

I've found Josh to be on the money for just about everything.   SHOP AROUND - he has affiliate links, so be aware of that as well.

His videos are, for the most part, easy to understand and he uses fairly simple language.  YMMV, ask if you have question.

I'd much rather be a disappointed pessimist than a horrified optimist....

My fiction work is found here:


he's got a Discord account also, which if you sub to that it will send notifications of live streams. Which he does each week.

Here's an invite to his Discord.  [good for 7 days]

But I think he puts invite links in every video he posts.

Lifetime gamer watch at MacWa77ace YouTube Channel

Ask me about my 50 caliber Fully Semi-Automatic 30-Mag clip death gun that's as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.

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